


大家整天在喊三通,如果真得三通了,大陸那邊的對等條件一定是大陸人可以來台工作,以他們的能力和薪資水準,台灣員工除了忠誠度和信任感佔點優勢外,根本沒有競爭力,大部份企業一定大量採用大陸員工降工成本,到時台灣一些替代性較高的工作像做業員,行政人員,業務人員等都會被取代而失業。她真得給我很大的震撼,我只希望能在三通前成為資方,而且是服務有錢人事業的資方,而不要繼續做勞方,勞方會依替代性的高低,在短時間被大陸人所取代,我們很難追上在那種高度競爭環境出來的人。再過幾年三通是必然成行的路,台灣職場也將成為殺戮戰場,還在想努力工作,老闆就會保你嗎? 趕快趁下班時間自我充實進修,提升一點競爭力比較實在,沒就是趕快考上公務員,或是找到有當地証照保護的工作如XX師類的工作。如果這些都沒機會的話,下班快點加油吧! 不然大家都是等著被取代的人,再也沒辦法享受現有的生活水準了。






Hi Aaron,


Thanks for your analysis which really let me know your company and your market better.Now I am trying to participate and see how we can help you better.


Firstly,Comparing Da-lite, Draper's motorized screen, we would like to provide a newly designed and competitive screen to you. It is called "Multifunctional Motorized Screen". See the attachment for detailed info. We can send you a sample for closer look. It can be made tab-tensioned or common matte white. This screen can be a shining point for this year's sales.


Secondly, we would like to invite you and your salesmen to come and visit XXXXX. It doesn't mean I doubt your team's selling ability but that we can take the opportunity to further communicate and familiar ourselves with all the strengths and advantages that XXXXX possesses, and also the user instructions, etc. It is beneficial for both sides to co-promote the brand and increase sales.


Thirdly, tab-tensioned fabric is special kind of fabric that can not be made before hand, since once cut and exposed before making, the fabric will lose shape as humidity and temperature change of the environment.But we would like you to place a Open PO before you place a real PO, in order to prepare us some time for material collecting.


All those I put forward are open for discussion.If there is good idea and suggestion you have, please feel free to point it out. We will be appreciated a lot.







Hi Aaron,


Thanks so much for pointing out your market situation. Let me give you more info about new products next time you come to XXXXX.


I will keep an eye on the warehouse to make sure we get enough material before hand.


Thanks for introducing yourself. I am 23, 1.7meter and kind of outgoing person. I've joined XXXXX when I got my Bacholor Degree one year ago and started to explore the American market. I attended the InfoComm and CEDIA exhibitions held in the U.S. and will do again for the HK InfoComm this year.











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